

Portfolio site, where you find my projects and about me.


I've always loved doing small solo projects and showing people, even if they're simple, I've always liked archiving them and having a record and memory of how they were done and what I thought about it. time, my skills and ambitions, of course this changes over time and that's why I find it so fascinating to leave these records.

This project is version 2.0 of the portfolio to mainly show all my projects in a simpler way and visual for all people, even those who are not in the technology area and have a github to explore my profile.


The site was created following different web theming standards, i18n, modularization and other things that will be added in the future. It is made in Next JS 13 with app directory and Tailwind for styling.

I did it in a way that the project can be maintained and constantly updated, with good practices and clean code, and is free to explore. it on github :)
