College Lesson

TCC | Já vi

A movie and series management and evaluation application. Computer science course completion work.


This was my TCC or Computer Science course completion work. It was a very large and very difficult project to develop, mainly because we needed an interesting theme that everyone liked and had pleasure researching about, it took us a long time to decide what the theme would be, ending up with 3 frontend devs, 1 backend and one below, we chose to create a website with small, not very complex APIs and the authentication and database would be responsible for Firebase< /a>, this way we can focus on the research that was to bring accessibility to the project, whether with keyboard listeners, contrasting colors and responsive layout.


Javi is a management system of films/series and other digital media, it is possible to evaluate that media so that if in the future the user wanted to remember whether they liked it or not, they could easily search in their account.

The project was based on MyanimeList, a site where you can save reviews of anime from past seasons and which are linked to your account, so if in any If you want to remember what you thought of this anime, you can do so by simply searching on the platform.
